
Special outer packaging for the Christmas season

Karl Knauer creates high-quality gift packaging for Geldermann

Just as in the past, the Schwarzwald-based packaging specialist Karl Knauer is once again responsible for creating and producing the current relaunch of Geldermann’s gift packaging. The truly ‘striking’ folding boxes of the Brut , Rosé and Classique varieties can now be admired on the shelves of beverage or food retailers.

Following a very positive response to the re-designed gift packaging in 2021, the packaging for 2022 aimed to be even more spectacular. But how can gift packaging that is already finished to a very high standard be made even more sophisticated and distinctive? “Of course, we had the advantage of having been able to serve Geldermann as a customer for many years”, explains Thomas Schultheiß, Key Account Manager for gift packaging at the packaging specialist Karl Knauer. “We instantly knew what the marketing experts at Geldermann had in mind when we saw the new layout.”

Impressive development speed

The experience gained from the preliminary projects, but above all the intensive interaction across all the production stages involved at Karl Knauer – from pre-press and offset printing to the team for production aids and the die-cutting and gluing department – meant that we were able to present the customer with very realistic initial solutions and samples within a remarkably short time. The first step was to mix a new matching light blue-metallic colour for the ‘Classique’ sparkling wine variety, which harmonises with the rosé and gold varieties that had been previously launched on the market for the Rosé and Brut sparkling wines respectively. In order to create the new, striking design, the printing of the three high-finish folding boxes is done in two passes:: The new design for the respective sparkling wine variety is first printed on the silver foil-laminated cardboard, followed by a partial UV coating in the second printing process, which highlights some of the design elements of the folding box. As a special finishing touch, very fine gold lines, the logo and the lettering are then embossed in a third step.

Precision along the entire production line

As with finishing, where the effect is dependent on it being placed with millimetre precision, the experts at Karl Knauer pay attention to every tiny detail throughout the entire manufacturing process. “We leave nothing to chance, but plan everything exactly beforehand – whenever possible – and monitor the entire process from the initial consultation to the delivery of the goods”, explains Thomas Schultheiß. “This is the only way we can meet our own demands in terms of quality, but also efficiency and thus sustainability.” For instance, the material for the Geldermann gift packaging was procured well in advance so as to avoid any supply chain issues, i.e., delivery bottlenecks. Customers at Karl Knauer also have the option of adjusting quantities to actual demand up until shortly before the printing or production begins. This avoids overproduction and saves a lot of resources such as material and energy. While Karl Knauer rigorously ensures that the use of materials, energy and time is kept to a minimum, there is no compromise in terms of communication. This is because the packaging specialist regards the close dialogue and continuous coordination with the customers as fundamentally important for a project’s success, which is why the Karl Knauer team regularly approaches the customer proactively so that it can react to new situations or requirements in good time if necessary.

Those who want to check out the gift packaging for the three sparkling wine varieties can find them on the shelves of well-stocked local beverage or food retailers.

[Translate to Englisch:] Karl Knauer produziert für Geldermann hochwertige Geschenkverpackung
Special outer packaging for the Christmas season
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